First Name
Last Name
Baby's Guess Date
Is this your first baby?
If not, how many other children do you have, and what are their ages?
Are you registering for birth sessions, posptartum sessions, or both?
Birth In Power (8 sessions totaling 16 hours)
Nest, Rest, & Manifest (8 sessions totaling 16 hours)
Both (16 sessions totaling 32 hours)
Please tell me about yourself and what you are hoping to receive from our sessions together.
Where do you plan on birthing?
Will you be attending these sessions with a partner?
One partner is included with your registration fee. This person can be the other parent, a grandparent, or a friend, for example.
If yes, who will be attending with you?
Are you interested in hosting this for a private group?
If yes, please have each participant complete a separate registration. Please also list their names here so that I can look out for their form submissions.
Will you be needing an alternative payment arrangement?
No, I will pay in full.
Yes, I need a payment plan.
Yes, I'd like to propose a trade.
I cannot afford the full fee, but I can donate a lower amount as well as a partial trade.
I need a full scholarship, are there any available?
Thank you! I will be in touch via email within one week to discuss your registration details, payment, and scheduling.
With gratitude, Kaitlin