Absolutely everything on this site is owned by Kaitlin Coghill, unless stated otherwise. Permission is required to repost any pictures taken by, or excerpts written by, Kaitlin Coghill. Please contact me in order to do so.
Disclaimer: Information on website and within all blog posts, course content, course materials, free downloads, mentoring sessions and webinars is provided for personal, educational purposes only. It is not intended to replace professional medical advice. Birthkeeping services are not medical care of any kind, nor is birthkeeping a form of professional mental health care as defined by the medical-industrial complex. My way of birthkeeping does not constitute medical diagnoses or medical advice of any kind. If you feel called to receive medical support for your physical or mental well-being, I suggest that you reach out to a trusted healthcare provider at your discretion. Always speak to your trusted healthcare provider before adding anything to your healthcare regimen.