Kaitlin ☼ Pearl

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I am listening so closely for answers
outside of my own body
of knowledge
that often I cannot hear
my Self.

My Self speaks in waves.
It speaks volumes
about needs, truths, reality, dreams.
And I want to hear it.
I do. Really, I do.

But the sounds of my useless search for answers
are nowhere near as alluring
as those of the ocean.
Soft yet strong,
conveying power,
inspiring awe,
calming souls,
carrying and knocking down life
all at once.

Rising and falling
in communication with the the moon
are my ocean, my self, my answer…

My answer lies in wait
beneath a rock of some sort.
Seemingly buried and impossible to find
until the waves begin to sound like my voice
my voice the waves
and I am called to turn my attention inward
beneath the rock
like a child holding a seashell to her ear
waiting for the magic of an entire ocean
to speak to her
in waves.

My Self speaks volumes
and finally I can hear
that it sounds like the waves.
I can hear them as much as I can feel them
within me.

I can evolve, grow and love fully
because I am suddenly attuned
to the soft power of myself
as I inspire an internal calm
that carries me
in spite of all
that tries
to knock me down.

And now,
within the ocean
that moves within me,
I swim.