• Yoga Jones (map)
  • 105 South Oak Street
  • Ventura, CA, 93001
  • United States



Class Dates: May 6, 13, 20 and 27 - final class post-birth TBD
Time: 6 p.m. - 8 p.m.
Investment: $297 per mother/pair
Location: Yoga Jones, Ventura

With four classes happening prenatally, and one class happening postpartum, this series focuses on the Five Essentials of Postpartum Care. These Five Essentials of Postpartum Care are found throughout the world’s ancient postpartum traditions and are deeply rooted in women’s physiologic and psychologic needs postpartum, which remain unchanged despite shifts in societal behavior.

These Five Essentials of Mother-Centered Postpartum Care for Family Wellness are:

  • An extended resting period. An extended resting period in the postpartum time safeguards women’s long-term pelvic health and hormonal health. The natural rhythm of Earth and of Life is that there is a period of growth and a period of rest. Pregnancy represents the period of growth, postpartum represents the period of rest.

  • Warm in temperature, warm in nature, easy to digest, nutrient dense food. Our digestive system is profoundly altered through pregnancy and birth. Warm in temperature, warm in nature, easy to digest, nutrient dense food in the postpartum time supports the long-term health of the digestive system. As women, we grow humans inside our bodies through gestation and outside our bodies through lactation. Eating the right foods helps us to grow life without depleting ourselves.

  • Bodywork. Because we are resting in the postpartum time, it is bodywork that facilitates healing through the movement of blood and lymph. Bodywork elicits our relaxation response, allows our nervous system to down-regulate and boosts our immunity. Nature’s Law is based in reciprocity. Bodywork gives to mothers so that mothers can give freely to their babies.

  • Warmth. In birth and the postpartum period, we lose a large amount of blood. Breastmilk is made from the same substrate as blood. Mothers are babies’ primary heaters – until babies are between 5-9 months of age, when they can regulate their own temperature. Warmth in the postpartum time facilitates the production of oxytocin. Oxytocin facilitates milk production. Warmth causes our tissues to expand, which facilities the moving of blood and lymph, which facilitates healing.

  • Community. The above four essentials of postpartum care are pillars, and these pillars require a strong foundation – to stand up straight and strong. This foundation in the postpartum time is community. Community means: people that mother feels good and safe with, that will be with her on a daily basis in the postpartum period. When mothers feel good and safe, they are able to give up their hyper-vigilance. This allows the nervous system to down-regulate, which allows the body‘s energy in the postpartum time go into healing, bonding and attachment.

The first four classes of the series happen prenatally.  Information/education about postpartum physiology and psychology is shared, and each family is supported to develop a postpartum plan that meets their unique needs.

The fifth and final class of the series happens in the postpartum period. The families that participated together in the first four classes meet again, once everyone is at least six weeks postpartum. The purpose of this final class is for mothers and fathers to be witnessed and celebrated by this community. In this way, we bring honor and a layer of completion to our rites of passage into motherhood and fatherhood.

“Innate Traditions Postpartum Care works from the foundational understanding that: maternal health is foundational to society’s health. When mothers are healthy and well, families are healthy and well. When families are healthy and well, communities are healthy and well – and this concentric ring of wellness continues to move outward to encompass the whole of the Earth. In optimally taking care of the mothers, we are taking care of the future generations.”


  • Essential postpartum education that is comprised of time-tested postpartum wisdom interwoven with modern science in support of women’s long-term health and vitality

  • 10 hours of in-person mentorship and community-building in the form of five two-hour class sessions, as well as home study opportunities to dive deeper into the topics we cover in class

  • Compilations of my own personal favorite resources - including local health care providers, favorite postpartum recipes, baby gear recommendations, books, documentaries, podcasts and more

  • Truthful information, helping to lead families in the right direction for an optimal postpartum period in the name of creating a solid foundation for thriving family systems

  • The opportunity for families create postpartum care plans tailored to their own individual needs

  • The creation and/or fortification of community

  • Discounted rates on virtual or in-home postpartum care in the interest of providing continuity of care. Continuity of care within the medical world is understood to ‘improve clinical outcomes,’ meaning that continuity of care helps to facilitate healing, which is exactly what needs to happen after a mother gives birth.


This series was designed for mothers, families and their support people to take between 25-35 weeks gestation. In this way, the class series will ideally be completed before mother’s probable window of giving birth, allowing ample time to create a postpartum plan and create or fortify her community support.

Fathers/partners/friends/family who will be supporting mother through and after birth are strongly encouraged attend this class series with mother. It is essential that not just mothers are receiving this postpartum care education, but all of those who love mothers do as well.


Please complete the following form to register. I will email you payment instructions upon receiving your submission.


Kaitlin Pearl Coghill, physiologic birthkeeper and holistic postpartum care provider, has served her community as a trained and certified birth and postpartum educator, mentor, photographer and doula since 2013. Having worked with a variety of organizations, her support style is well-rounded and all-encompassing, allowing her to intuitively draw on various philosophies and strategies when helping parents venture forth into the realm of raising children. Her time spent in the birthing spaces and homes of new families has wholly enhanced her belief that all birth is sacred and all babies are teachers, sent here to guide us into the new paradigm we are being asked to live within. When not working with families, Kaitlin lives and loves alongside her three daughters and husband in their hometown of Ventura.